Sunday, December 6, 2015

Happy 1st Birthday to our Sweet birthday Girl

 Wooo Hoooo Ava turned one and turning ONE is a huge milestone in my book!  I think as a mom it is a bittersweet time as the baby phase becomes a distant memory yet  I know so many new adventures are ahead.  I remember like it was yesterday: calling my parents to come watch Mason, heading to the hospital but not thinking I was in labor, worried about all the unknowns.  Never leaving the hospital and coming home with the tiniest little baby I had ever seen.  Heading back to the hospital because she was loosing too much weight.  Adjusting to life as a family of four; making sure everyone was getting what they needed.  I hesitate to admit this but I had the mom of one thing down pat but adding the second rocked my world a bit. I'm happy to be out of the newborn fog and creeping toward the next with two toddlers (wow, does that sound odd).

Our sweet Ava girl has made so much progress in a month!  She is cursing the furniture, walking with a walker, opening drawers/cabinets, throwing balls & food and yapping up a storm.  Ava heads for the stairs whenever possible and can make it all the way to the top (never alone of course).  She can say mom, dada, ba, hi and this.  She loves to scream at the top of her lungs with her brother and giggles when you tell her no.  She is happiest playing in the cup/bowl draw I set aside for Mason.  Ava still loves to be held but when having a good time she is just as content playing or crawling around.  The bond between Mason and Ava has grown this month.  Mason tells Ava often how much he loves her and gives her kisses too.  He wants to play with her and interact with her more as well.  Ava loves his attention until he hovers on top of her or is pushed down in all his excitement. Seeing them together melts my heart.

We started Ava on whole milk a few days prior to her bday.  It was like many of her other transitions; talked about and then all the sudden complete.  Not relishing in the moment of "the last."  Ava still fits best in 12 months clothes but I'm starting to buy 18 month sizes just to get more use out of them. She takes two naps a day more often then not.  The first one is in the car and the second is on me.  These options aren't ideal by any means but poor baby girl is tired.  Matt and I had a few afternoons of rest when she did actually take an afternoon nap in her crib.  It made me feel like a whole new person.  For now I lean in and do my best to enjoy her weight on my chest, a few minutes of napping/quit to myself while checking emails.

food (any food)
bath time
playing in the basement
walking with walker

getting diaper changed in the a.m.
putting your coat on
reading books (wants to eat them)

Baby Girl - Thank you for being you!  You are sweet and a bit feisty all wrapped into one strong little body.  You are absolutely gorgeous and I can't believe you are all mine.  I look forward to the adventures that await us; I have a feeling we are going to have some fun.

Love you so much!

We threw a birthday party for Ava on her birthday!  Needless to say she had fun celebrating with all her family.
 It truly was a special day.  

Mason 12 months 

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Heart full & Thankful {Thanksgiving Recap}

Family is so important and holds such an important presence in our life.  You might be sick of hearing it but it hands down it is the truth.  This thanksgiving I am especially thankful for my parents.  They are such pillars in our life; honestly I don't know what we would do without their constant love, support and extra hands.  We are so lucky to live so close and spend so much time together creating wonderful memories for my children, my husband and me. 

I am also grateful for my children who keep both my hands and heart full at all times.  We are blessed with healthy and happy kiddos. Last but not least I am thankful for my husband who works hard around the clock for us; giving his all always.  I could go on and on but won't.  In a few simple words I am one lucky girl.

This Thanksgiving was spent at my parent's house with Dad's side of the family.  It was Ava's 1st Thanksgiving and it was the first time Mason was able to express what he was thankful for at the table.  My kids had such a fun time playing with all their aunts, uncles and cousins.  It made my heart so full hearing their little giggles and seeing their smiling faces. 

Mason was thankful for his class, teachers and friends!

Happy 1st Thanksgiving sweet girl!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Nearing a year {Ava 11 months}

As we approach the year mark (a huge milestone in my opinion) it amazes me where we were 11 months ago and where we are now. The transformation is a crazy one. The crying till 1 am, up every two hours, pure cloudy head (on my part) isn't a distant memory yet but something I hardly ever think about.

Ava still prefers to be held but she also loves to crawl around, pull herself up, climb on her brother and be outside (I find her giggling at the other kids playing at the park). She is a tough cookie; she wants what she wants when she wants it. She is happier when we sit next to her while she plays, if we don't she cries and screams at us. She is a good eater and we haven't found anything she doesn't like. She is a happy girl but often tired because she isn't the best at taking naps. Her morning nap is fairly short and usually taken on the go; the afternoon one is often taken in my arms (I'm ashamed to admit that but she has a stronger will power then I and will cry for an hour if she has to). I keep trying to tell myself that this too shall pass.  We are phasing out her six month clothes and buying 12-18 months as our little peanut is getting a bit bigger. 

- ceiling fans
- playing in Mason's room
- peek a boo
- crawling around with Mason
- her light up activity table
-bath time

- getting her diaper changed (especially first thing in the morning)
- be left alone to play
- having her hands or face wiped off
- getting dressed
- reading books she just wants to eat them

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Pumpkins, tractors and "costumes" oh my

Does going somewhere two years in a row count as a family tradition?  I'll go ahead and just say yes.  We headed to Ruth Lake's Pumpkin Patch this past weekend and Mason was so excited about the tractor ride.  This year we all got on the tractor and headed to the pumpkin patch where Mason very quickly picked out a pumpkin to take home.  He then rushed back to get on the next tractor... We all enjoyed this family time; even though Mason still seems on the fence with costumes.  He still doesn't want to dress up and although he doesn't mind others dressed anything that could be slightly scary he does not like.  He has a school Halloween party, parade and sing along this week so we will see if I can get him to dress up.  Although I enjoy all things fall I'm not a lover of Halloween so I guess he takes after his mom.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Mason Turns 3

Rockin out on his Birthday
Mason turned 3 and boy did we have fun celebrating!  I was planning on skipping a birthday party this year and just have my parents, sister and fiance help us celebrate.  However, as Mason's birthday approached I realized he would actually enjoy a party and all the attention that comes with a bday celebration.  I called up some family last minute and invited them over for pizza and cake.  Luckily, the gang was available and made this the best birthday for him yet.  Three weeks later he is still talking about and asking when his birthday is.  I want to give a HUGE thank you to those that made it and helped us celebrate Mason's third birthday.  Family is so special and having everyone come break in our new home for such a joyous occasion was really special.  Time and time again I get to say how lucky we are. Everyone helped pull off a great party in less then a week for a very special boy.  

So to the important stuff....Mason turning 3!  He is weighing in at 39 pounds and is 3 feet 4 inches.  He has a larger than life personality!  He is friendly to every person that passes by; always greeting people with a smile.  Mason is extremely articulate and smart which leads to full blown conversations with him along with many battles of the will.  He is very stubborn and strong willed which can lead me feeling challenged at times.  He remembers it once, say it once he gets it and remembers it better then the rest of us.  It amazes us all and leaves us in awe of him.  He has grown to love his sister and his new found love has landed him on top of her sometimes more literally then I would like.  But I find him trying to make her laugh, concerned about her when she cries and crawling beside her on the floor.  He loves getting out and about and having visitors over to play.  Mason isn't potty trained yet mainly because he refuses to wear underwear.  Let him run around without pants and he knows exactly where to pee.  He still takes one nap a day which can, if I'm lucky, be for a few hours.  He is the sweetest boy we know and are so lucky be his parents!

- Play doh
- painting/arts and crafts
- cooking (mixing things in bowls/making a mess)
- being outside
- reading books
- going to nana & papa's
- juice boxes
- snacks
- his monkeys
- signing/music

- washing his hair
-loud noises
-being told no
- people in costumes
- socks
- banaids

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy


Mason's first bday
Mason's second bday

Friday, October 9, 2015

Ava's 10 month update

Getting so big!
It's hard to believe we are approaching the one year mark; it will be December 6th before we know it. My Ava girl has my heart and I'm so thankful to be her mama.

 Ava is so so sweet and cuddly! She is obsessed with her brother,even though he loves taking toys away from her. However, when they do play together my heart melts and the house is filled with both their goggles. Mason is her protector already; he often asks "is this big enough for Ava."  We have tried to work with him about dangerous toys etc on the floor now that she is in the move. She is army crawling all over the place which results in her clothes being dirty 99% of the time and the amount of sweeping we do has double (which is hard to believe). 

Ava loves being part of the action and has developed a little temper (she makes it clear when she isn't happy or doesn't like something). This month her eating and sleeping has improved (knock on wood) and she seems to be coming into her own.

Ava can still fit in 6 month clothes but we are now buying 12 month outfits.  Girls clothes are adorable and it is so hard to not go crazy shopping and dressing her up.  She is in size 3 diapers and has a head of hair to die for.  She chases after Mason all day long, growls, waves and loves to throw things from her highchair. She loves meatballs, turkey and ham and has finally warmed up to avocado.  I can't wait to see what new adventures will bring to our sweet baby girl.  

She is such a stinker and just can't keep her hands or eyes off the paper!

These two: my hands are full but so is my heart!

Mason 10 months

Monday, September 28, 2015

Visit to the Pumpkin Patch

Matt's birthday was this past Saturday and we didn't have any plans.  Sometimes a day with no plans can end up to be one of the best days.  Late morning we made the game time decision to  check out  Luurs Garden Shoppe, they had a fall festive going on.  It was a gorgeous day, Luurs is close to the house and the event seemed kid friendly. We all had the most amazing time.....Mason has been asking to go back ever since.
Mommy & Mason
The pumpkin Bounce house, a huge hit with Mason!
Daddy with his pumkin
Ava wanted to join in on the fun
Thought he wanted to go on a train ride but no dice
Baby Girl enjoying the weather and her feet

Luurs hosts a great fall festival which includes a pumpkin bounce house, pony rides, train rides, pumpkin picking.  They also have a cafe open so you can grab lunch or a snack. This is a great option for pumpkin picking if you have small kids.