Friday, October 11, 2013

{The Big ONE}

It is official, we are parents of a one year old! This is huge; Mason is a toddler and Matt and I have survived our first year of parenthood.  The day was special for me; and although Mason won't remember I did want to make the day special for him too. For Mason that means a day filled with pancakes, meatballs and playing!

We started the day off by going out for pancakes with Nana!  We hit up the Honey Bee Cafe; a local diner.  They hands down made the breakfast a special one; check out those birthday pancakes!

The day was bittersweet but mostly filled with lots of love, joy and fun!  Mason is getting so big and he is such a sweet boy.  We are enjoying interacting with him; he is smart, silly, active, determined and loving.  We are so LUCKY!

Happy Birthday to our sweet baby boy!!!!

This month Mason has really started cruising; he uses pretty much anything to get from point A to B.  He has taken a couple spills but nothing serious (yet).  He is a little chatter box when he doesn't have his Monkey Monkey in his mouth.  He loves saying dada, babies, apples, trees etc.  

 Mason's Likes:
- Monkey Monkey (his wubbanub)
-Dora the Explorer
-Playing in the fridge

- being told no
- getting his diaper changed
-mashed potatoes

Just thinking about this past year brings SO much to my mind! I could write down all my thoughts but I will spare you all.  Just know that when our angel went to bed we popped up the prosecco and toasted to the most fabulous year of all our lives.  We celebrated the BIG ONE!

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Mason has enjoyed his week full of presents!  It is amazing how exciting Elmo wrapping paper can be (pretty sure Mason said Elmo for a good 20 minutes).  He really enjoys interactive toys so a big thanks to Grandma & Grandpa Murray and Aunt Megan for a week of birthday fun! Clearly, Mason enjoyed all of his fun gifts and of course the Elmo wrapping paper.

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Here is the birthday sign Mason was playing with.  I ordered it from Etsy; I figured it was something we can use every year (even for Matt's birthday).  You can choose your own colors; if you want to create one for you family click here.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Say Cheese!

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."  ~John Hughes 

We feel so blessed to have such a wonderful little family; I wanted to somehow capture the love we have for each other. So, it became important to me that we capture the three of us together and have some family pictures taken. The photo session was on my mind weeks beforehand; outfits, props, location...there were so many decisions to be made. And most importantly, I wanted the pictures to be "us." 

If you would like to view our pictures click here

The pictures are everything I hoped they would be and more! If you are looking for a photog to take pictures of your family I would highly recommend Acorn Portraits (Amanda Hein was also our wedding photographer).  A HUGE thanks to Amanda for doing an incredible job! Needless to see Mason was ALL over the place but you wouldn't know that by looking at the pictures.