Saturday, April 26, 2014

{Aunt Mia}

Aunt Mia & Mason readying books April 2014

"It takes a village," this is something my mom always says about parenting!  I'm really lucky to have extra hands all around me, be it Matt, my parents or my sister.  I appreciate what each person has to offer to Mason and myself and the different interactions Mason gets to have with each person that he encounters. Mason is so loved!  Although, I love and cherish everyone involved in our little "village" I have to dedicate this post to my sister Mia.  For those of you who don't know my sister she is everything I am not and I love and admire that about my her.  She is a free spirited, glass always full, best day ever type of person.  She spends her days working with children (usually those who suffer from autism) and teaching yoga to adults and children (her newest adventure includes Smarty Pants Yoga, if you live in the area check it out).  Basically, she lives a life that makes her happy day in and day out (impressive, right)?!?!  In between her hectic schedule she pops in for a few hours a week to spend time with Mason.  Many times she is here long enough for me to run an errand or go to class.  But most importantly Mason gets to spend time with one of his favorite people.  Mia is great with Mason, she uses her teacher voice to keep him in check but also allows him to do the the things he loves the most (like play in the sink and make a mess).  The bond the two of them have is so precious and I think it is so fun to watch them interact.  Mia's visit also fulfill the adult interaction I long for during my day.  We usually chat and catch up over coffee or lunch which is so nice.

Mia, I want to thank you so much for everything you do for us!  You mean the world o me (us) and we appreciate and love all the time we get to spend with you. Mason loves you so much, his excitement when seeing you is heartwarming.  I can't wait to see where life takes you; I sure know you will enjoy the journey. I hope I can return the favor someday and be your second set of hands. We love you so much!

Love the Murrays!
PS: There really are no words just how much you mean to us and how much love we have for you but I sure hope this post lets you know how much I (we) appreciate you.
Aunt Mia and Mason Christmas Day

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Not Always Sunshine & Roses

I love being a mom, and being a stay at home mom is my dream job. I love my child and find it so rewarding to watch him grow day in and day out. I could go on for hours about how amazing parenthood is but today I won't. It isn't always sunshine and roses. I have a toddler that is sweet, kind and wonderful but also stubborn, a little defiant and frustrating. He can't communicate with me as to exactly what is wrong. So, as we all start to recover from the plague (aka the flu) and Mason still continues to whine/cry, get irritated easily and want to be held, my days seem to have doubled in length. I'm assuming his stomach still hurts and the excess drool means some teeth are coming but honestly who knows (your guess is as good as mine).  With my back going out yesterday afternoon my panic set in. My solution to my pain and never ending day: a chiropractic appointment scheduled for the following day and some retail therapy with my mom (an extra bonus when you find a lululemon sale item you just have to have).

Rough days make me realize a some things: 
1. Wow we are lucky we don't have a child that usually cries all day. Blessed might be a better word 
2. I need a mommy break and a second to breathe 
3. Patience isn't my strong suit when the going gets tough 
4. I love love love being a mommy but it isn't always sunshine and roses
5. Later this week when we have a stellar day playing outside and giggling this day will be one of the past

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

18 months {aka a year & a half}

My sweet baby boy is not a baby any longer he is a toddler (but in my eyes he will always be my baby boy, of course). April 10th marks Mason's half birthday and it is hard to believe or even remember when he was a little baby. I was looking at pictures the other night of Mason as a looks much different then it did 18 months ago.

Mason & Daddy playing with water after a trip to the park
Mason is extremely active! He only sits when he is watching one of his favorite shows (Dora or The Bubble Guppies). These shows have become my lifesaver; allowing me to eat, read, do laundry, get dressed, etc. Mason takes one nap a day and I'm lucky if that nap lasts two hours (very lucky, love those days). He is starting to experience a bit of separation anxiety  which has made for some tears when Matt leaves for work...EVERY morning. Nothing too terrible and it could be worse, but something new we are learning to handle. If Mason could live outside he would. With the change in weather I'm quickly learning how dirty boys are (hands and face are black within minutes). He still enjoys watching trains, trucks and cars zoom by. He is able to enjoy the preschool playground by our house, which is nice. He is quickly distracted by trees and rocks in said park; he defiantly is my little explorer.  Mason is obsessed with water! This makes drinking water, brushing my teeth and washing his hands or mine a challenge (don't worry, I do find a way to make all the above mentioned happen). He loves to play in the water be it while in the tub or just playing with Tupperware filled with some water. Endearing, funny and frustrating all at the same time. I go to sleep with his little voice in my head, "more more more WaTer."

I thank god for Mason everyday! We are so lucky to have such an active, talkative (did I mention he can count to ten in both English & Spanish...thank you Dora), fun, independent, stubborn toddler. There is a moment in time everyday that I'm completely in awe of him and there are still days I can't believe he is ours. He brings such joy and fulfillment to our lives. 

In honor of his 1/2 birthday here is an update of his likes & dislikes: 

- cars, trains, trucks & school buses
- water (playing in or with)
- playing with the vacuum
- being outside 
- his dees (aka pacifier)
- peas
- hot dogs
- cheese 
- ice cream

- chicken
- potatoes (unless they are fried)
- being told no
- getting his diaper changed 
- having to come in from the outside 


At the park by out house

In town watching trains, trucks, etc

Playing with his cars

Sunday, April 6, 2014

We did it! {we survived the 1st week of school}

In usual Murray fashion we like to keep things interesting!  We found out in early February that Matt was accepted to Chicago Booth.  This is huge for a few reasons: 1) Matt has always wanted go back to school to get his MBA 2) Matt wanted to get into Chicago 3) Life as we know it is going to change.  Personally, I couldn't be happier for my husband or more proud.  This is a great accomplishment that we have celebrated to the fullest (good food and bubbly are just how we roll) over the last couple of months.  Reality set in quickly when Matt had to attend a 3 days orientation from 8am - 9pm and has since taken on two classes a week.  I'm not going to lie....I was worried about not having Matt around.  We have a "routine,"  Matt comes home from work around 5:30pm and takes over the parenting duties.  I look forward to him coming home every night; I instantly have another set of hands (which are much needed due to a VERY active 17 month old) and adult interaction.  My worry (panic more like it) set in quickly....we have 2.5 to 3 years of this.  Matt is the rock of this household and change is always scary but I'm so happy to report we survived the first week of school (you have to start somewhere, right).  Mason and I will find a new routine on the nights Matt is gone and before we know it Matt being a part time student will be our new norm!  A big congrats to my smarty pants husband and a big thanks to friends/family who are going to be my extra set of hands on the evenings Matt is away.