Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Bend, flex and lean in (Napping with Ava)

Ava will be 23 months in a matter of weeks and as two creeps up on us it is hard to believe we are also approaching 2 years of napping with her. Gasp, I know. Judges going to judge judge judge but I'm going to shake it off (HaHa).  When Ava was first born, up all night crying I used Mason's nap time to get some rest myself.  I would put her on my chest, lay on the couch and somehow rock her to sleep;  it was the only guaranty I would get any rest that day.  Mason almost always would out sleep her and to be honest still does.   I spent most of the past two years napping with Ava frustrated and not relaxing because I couldn't help but think of all the things I could be doing.  I would say that for the better part of 2016 I have completely leaned in.  I have found myself napping with her, reading books, catching up on emails or suffering the net.  I still know that my time would be better spent cooking dinner, cleaning, taking a shower, working out; honestly the list could go on forever. However, come 1pm every afternoon in our household we ALL need a little break and napping with Ava is the only way to truly get that.  The house is quiet, no one is crying or calling out for me and I guess I'm choosing that over letting her cry for two hours.... or all the other trips/tricks we have tried in effort to break this habit.  Recently, she has been giving me 15-20 minutes in her crib with a book during this time.  I have used the time to do quick little tasks or just hang with Mase.  So there, I've come clean to our dirty little secret!  I would have judged you too but honestly the peace that rolls around here at 1:30pm is AMAZING and I'm choosing GRACE over PERFECTION.

Plus, how amazing is all this snuggling!?!?!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Hello Friends & Family

Do you remember us?  Catching you up from last April seems daunting which is one of the many reasons I haven't sat down to document our happenings.  After our family vacation in Florida we all stood by my sister's side while her and Marc exchanged the most special wedding vows (which they wrote themselves by the way).
 Our kiddos walking down the aisle on Mia's big day
The Beautiful Bride on her wedding day

Our summer in Chicago was HOT HOT HOT and actually is still going strong in late September.  Mason enjoyed summer camp and trips to the pool on the weekends.  Ava came into her own; adding many words to her vocabulary and a strong love for "brother" wanting to do everything he does.  Her personality is one for the books...she is strong and encompass every aspect of the word physically and mentally.  She is also my little dare devil which has left us with no choice but to put our kitchen chairs on top of our table/counter tops.  Needless to say this season of life keeps me on my toes and my gas tank empty by the end of the day (another reason for the lack of posts). 

Our kids have really grown this summer!  They seem to interact more which is the most heartwarming thing to watch, when they are giving each other kisses or Mason is trying to have full blown conversions with Ava.  One of their very favorite things to do is dance together and boy do they have some moves.  It is also extremely frustrating, as they fight over one car when we have a million or one just doesn't want to be touched by the other (usually Mase).  Either way our hearts are full but so are our hands.
They don't even know how much love they have for each other
Pool Day at RLCC
Loves her purse and our day at the arboretum

Mason started school in late August and moved up to the 3's program.  He loves loves loves school.  Every morning and usually after every nap he asks if its a school day.  Here is a picture of him from his first day.

Ava and I go to an open gym class once a week along with a class at the library which includes lots of singing.  I hope I'm not biting my tongue but she is way more into circle time then Mason was at that age.  She sits and repeats "songs songs songs" until the teacher gets things rockin' and rolling.

As for Matt and I; we took our first real trip away from the kids at the beginning of the mouth and I really struggled with leaving the kids.  Like up worried the three night before we left kinda struggle.  By the time we got to the airport my worry dissipated and I enjoyed every part of being away and coming back.  One disclaimer, for some reason I thought I would come home well rested but that was so not the case at all.
Scottsdale AZ 9.10.16

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Spring Break 2016

We headed back to Florida for Spring Break 2016 (aka the best family trip we have taken to date)!  The weather is sunny Florida was just that and the heat and sunshine did us all a little good.  It was the first trip we have even taken just us and it was so nice to enjoy our family of four.  Every night I went to bed feeling so blessed and lucky for all that I have.

Mason spent most of the trip in the pool, some time at the beach eating green slushies and more ice cream then I would like to admit.  Ava on the other hand, had a love hate relationship with the pool.  She wanted to be in it but once she was she wanted out.  In her defense, there isn't much out there as far as flotation devices for toddlers that weight 20 pounds (I will be on the hunt for something for the summer though).  Ava did love playing out on the lanai, taking a shower for the first time and seeing all the people around walking their dogs.  Both kids enjoyed shedding the many layers needed during Spring in Chicago and so did I.


Pool time fun!

Most of Matt's family lives in Florida so they were able to take some time to come visit.  We had a great sushi dinner and checked out a great farmers market the next day.  Mason especially loved having the house full of people and preforming for everyone.  Mike and Mary got a new little puppy and both kids couldn't keep their eyes of him.  It was nice that we were able to coordinate the visit and let everyone catch up and play with the kiddos.

Clearly, an amazing trip! The trip was the perfect amount of time as we all seemed to be dragging a little bit towards the end. We are already chatting about going back which is a true sign of a successful trip.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Big Milestones for the Murray Household

Sporting his new under-roos

January 30th marks the day we really hunkered down and officially started potty training Mason.  We had halfheartedly tried before but weren't consistent....but this time we weren't going back this time.  We faced potty training like we face most parenting tasks without books and when we are all ready.  This has worked for us in the past and worked again this time.  Mason had a few accidents within the first few days but other then that he has transitioned to under- roos well.  We even send him to school in underwear.  Nap time, bedtime and pooping time are the only times Mason wears a diaper these days and we are all happy about that.

January 22nd Ava started taking a couple of steps before falling right on her butt!  It was the cutest thing EVER!  Fast forward to today and she is now walking more then crawling and has become a daredevil.  She is still a little wobbly but has no fear and loves loves loves to climb.  The other day I was straightening up and when I turned back around to check on the kiddos Ava as sitting on the couch next to Mason.  She had used a Lego bucket to climb on up and sit next to Mason.  Ava also loves going up and down the stairs and to scoot off our bed.  She gets it; she turns around and goes feet first and gets excited about it every time.
Our climbing machine
On top of Mason's garage 

Never a dull moment at the Murray household and we wouldn't have it any other way!

Monday, February 8, 2016

My Happy Place {Florida Trip 2015/2016}

1st Plan ride with 2 kids!
December 31, 2015 marks the first time we flew with 2 kids!  We woke the kids up too early to head south for some warmer temps and R&R.  The trip was fairly uneventful and when we landed the sun was shining bright.  The first day left Matt and I exhausted; we unpacked, went to the store, I took Mase to the pool (once I realized a nap wasn't happening) and started getting the house situated for 2 kiddos.  We made it through the hard day and we were both dreaming of the days ahead when our heads hit the pillow at 8:30 pm.

If you don't know, Florida is my happy place.  I love it there and apparently so does Mason. He adjusted well and didn't want to leave after being there for 2 weeks.

Despite everyone getting sick and staying sick on the trip it was so fun. Vacations don't really exist with two little kids. It's more like parenting in warmer weather and I'll take that. Chicago winters can be long so venturing out sans layers is a dream come true.

Some of the highlights of our trip were checking out the Wonder Garden, Naples  Children's Museum, the beach and the farmer's market. Oh and Mason's favorite swimming when the weather was warm enough. Overall, we had a successful trip and are all dreaming of going back. 
Naples Children's Museum, a huge hit with Mason!
Enjoying the sunset on the beach

Till next timeFlorida!  

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Christmas 2015 {Brief Recap}

Christmas Eve at the Baldo House
I know, I'm totally late in the game with the whole Christmas recap but life....it gets in the way.  And the recap is just as much for me 10 years from now as it is for you to keep in the loop with what we are up too.

This year Louie, the elf made an appearance .  Mason didn't grasp the whole concept of the elf keeping an eye on him etc. but her sure did enjoy look for Louie each morning.  I'm looking forward for him to join us again next year and being a bit more creative with his hiding spots.  Mason didn't really get why Louie like being in the fridge....  Ava even enjoyed seeing Louie on the last morning up on the window sill pointing at him all day.

Mason wanted three things for Christmas this year but he wanted absolutely nothing to do with Santa.  He had a hard time figuring out how Santa was going to come in the house while he was sleeping.  He kept looking up the chimney asking us how and why he was going to come down with his gifts.  He had a hard time wrapping his mind around all this along with all the excitement of Christmas and receiving gifts.

Mason's Wish List:
1. Marker Maker
2. Electric Guitar with a cord
3. A Music Stand

We celebrate both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with our usual family traditions. Christmas Eve included a fish feast at my parents' house with lots of family and fun.  Christmas Day we opened presents from Santa at our house in the morning then headed back to my parents' for more gifts and yummy leftovers.  After we all took a little nap we headed back out to my Uncle's house for more food and fun.

Here are some pictures of our amazing Christmas!  We are so blessed and lucky.

 Christmas Morning:

Mase and his new music stand