Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Water table = lifesaver

Summer time isn't always easy! With countless hours outside (I repeat countless) it is hard to prevent Mason from getting hurt. He might even give me a heart attack with the spills he takes while running head up at super human speeds. Keep up with him you might say; well it doesn't work, he then thinks we are chasing him. Which results in faster running and less paying attention on his end. Our gated back porch has been great but he usually wants to roam the backyard in like .2. Solution: a water table! Our water table strategically placed in the shade on our back deck equals hours (or what seems to be hours) of fun! And more importantly gives us a chance to either sit down or get a meal going. Yay for the water table and making our summer livin' easy (aka easier).

This is the water table we have but honestly I don't think it matters a whole lot which one we would have gotten. Add some ice cubes (a new fave) to the mix and we have one happy boy!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Our little Gardener

Daddy & Mason working hard!
As mentioned many times before Mason would live outside if he could! This past weekend the weather was beautiful so we spent HOURS outside. Mason is learning (knock on wood) to stay in our yard so we figured it would be safe to start pulling  weeds while still keeping an on eye our little guy.  This project was amazing! Mason got really into digging in the dirt as well as filling up the bags with weeds/acorns and other debris. This project kept him close by and he had little interest in wandering off. He had the best time and we were able to get something accomplished. Win win for everyone. Matt and I don't have a green thumb or a ton of interest in gardening so Mason totally gets his love for "gardening" from his grandma Jean (Matt's mom).

This extremely fun activity didn't end with weeding at our house. Mason enjoyed shoveling dirt out of my parents' planter and filling up a grocery bag of dirt with the neighbor kids. The joy of boys; dirt everywhere. I'm slowly getting used to the amount of dirtiness that ensues in one day...I repeat slowly!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Welcome Baby Luca

My cousin, bridesmaid and friend, Michele along with her husband welcomed baby Luca into the world about a week ago. Baby Luca is handsome and healthy and the new mom is doing great! It is so exciting to welcome another baby into the family. I'm excited for Mason to have a cousin to play with at family events and during the holidays. I'm excited to watch their relationship grow into a friendship like Michele and mine has and I'm excited to be an Aunt for the first time (yay).

Visiting Michele, Jonathan & baby Luca in the hospital brought back a ton of memories of our experience with Mason. Wow, we are so far removed from those first days of bringing him home. No one could of prepared us for those first few days (ok maybe weeks). It is amazing how your motherly instinct kicks in and your pre baby life suddenly seems like a lifetime ago. The love you have the moment you set eyes our your child is indescribable. That love I have for Mason has only grown with him and it is hard to imagine loving anyone more. 

My advice to my cousin or any new mom is (not that I'm an expert by any means):
- sleep when the baby sleeps (you don't know tired until you have a baby)
- embrace and enjoy this time; things change so quicky and get easier but snuggle that baby now (the laundry will always be there)
- lean on other moms. You will find that that's where you will find your biggest support on your worst days. Plus, they always seem to know something you don't. 

Being a mom has been a true blessing for me and I have a feeling the bond of motherhood will only bring my cousin and I closer. I couldn't be happier for her and their family of 3!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Spring has Sprung

Mommy Son dinner date
Yikes, it has been away since I've posted!  Honestly, it feels like we have been sick for the past month.  Between being struck with the flu (aka the plague) and a cold following all extra time has been spent resting.  Thankfully we are all well now; just in time for the warmer weather (more like hot weather but I can't complain after the winter we have had).  Mason would live outside (if he could) and with this warmer weather all he wants to do is be outside.  This week we have been busy taking walks, going to the park; running outside and enjoying some meals out.  I have enjoyed every stage of Mason's life thus far but honestly right now might be my favorite.  He talks up a storm which has made it easier for me to understand what he wants and has made him much less frustrated.  He giggles when things are funny, loves to play and make us laugh and is a true joy to be around.  Last night we went for a dinner and he ordered his own meal; as we approached the counter he said "meatballs, rownies."   The boy knows what he wants when it comes to food.  He has started to repeat everything we say (which is helping his vocab greatly) and he takes our hand and pulls us around until we know what he wants/needs.  This little man has my whole heart and soul and I'm enjoying our Spring days together and watching him grow from a baby to a little boy.
Wanted to wear my hoodie

Didn't make it home after lunch out with Nana & Mommy

Fun with our new bubble machine

Dirty boy playing in the park