Thursday, January 15, 2015

Boogers & spit up

Mason has been sick for two weeks now and Ava and I have just hit the one week mark. Flu season is in full affect but how did we land on the lingering germ? We have hardly left the house, so it is hard to believe. Between the boogers that accompany this cold/cough that plagues our house and the split up that is acid reflux I feel dirty all the time. Matt has somehow dodged the sick built which is so nice for him and the rest of us too.  I am really looking forward to the kiddos getting better. This round of illness has taught me that 2 humidifiers are key in a 2 child household and to not wear anything that that isn't easily washable. I know there are many things I will learn on journey that is being a mom with two kids; it's nice knowing I have a few lessons learned under my belt. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

1 month {Ava}

Happy 1 month to our sweet Ava. This past month of your life has been a busy one. It includes a trip back to the hospital for low weight and jaundice; not to mention several doctors appointments. You might be small but I can see how strong you are. Thankfully you have been a champ at gaining weight (you are weighting in at 7 pounds 4 ounces) despite your tummy/acid reflux issues. We are working with the doctor to ease your pain; I promise.  You have me feeling like a first time mom all over again....I am full of worry for you and all I want to do is take away your pain. I am waiting for your digestive system to catch up to you so we both can sleep better at night.

 Your first month hasn't been all  business; we celebrated your first Christmas and New Years and have slowly been easing into life as a family of four. We have seen your first smile, your brother kiss you for the first time (not prompted by us) and his concern when you are having a hardcore cry.  You are a snuggler and want to be held all the time. You won't let us put down; especially at night (so you are either sleeping on my chest or right next to me on your left side). You are keeping us warm while yo

u are comfy in the spot that gives you the most calm.  Needless to say your dad and I have had very little sleep since you have arrived. But in the light of day that doesn't matter to me; when I look at you I can't help but notice how beautiful you are. I love looking at all your tiny perfect features. Your lips are by far my favorite. You are a good mixture of calm and stubborn; making sure we know when you need something or aren't happy. When your eyes are open your focus is intense....I assume you are taking in your surroundings as much as you can. 

We are so lucky to be your parents!  We love you sweet baby girl; welcome to the world. We can't wait to see what joy you bring us in the next month.