Monday, February 23, 2015

Mommy & Mason dates

Starbucks date
We are in the throws of winter and cabin fever has hit the Murray household. More so the adults than the kids (thankful it isn't the other way around). Spring may or may not be around the corner so it is very possible I will have to endure several hundred more hours of daddy finger videos of all varieties (including languages from several other countries). To make the frigid days and weeks more bearable (and to give Mason some special time now that he is a big brother) I have instituted Mommy & Mason dates! This gives Mason and I some alone time and gets me out of the house. We usually hit up starbucks and treat ourselves to a drink and a snack but sometimes we hit up the grocery store or indoor playground. I am not sure who enjoys this time more...him or me. Either way we both look forward to our special outting
lunch date

Mason is smart, stubborn, talkative, silly and so very loving. I feel so lucky to be his mom. I tell him this almost everyday along with the hundred I love yous.
mommy mason selfie

Friday, February 6, 2015

Miss Ava Michelle {2 months}

We are in love with our little sweet pea.
Miss Ava is staying awake a little bit more these days but still not a ton. When she is awake her eyes are open wide and she is extremely focused. She loves watching her brother climb and jump around,  she looks deep into our eyes, looks at her Sophie doll or herself in the mirror on her play mat. Her smiles are heartwarming! When she looks up at me at 4am with a big old smile it makes everything worth while.  Ava loves to mimic us when we stick out our tongues or open our mouth wide.  I am pretty sure she is proud of herself when she sticks her tongue out (and we couldn't be more proud of her).

Her body is strong, especially her neck and legs. She can lift her neck from side to side when she is on her tummy and stands on her legs when we hold her upright. Ava has a strong grip always holding onto our finger or our shirt when we are holding her.  

She has officially surpassed her brother's birth weight; now weighting in at 8 pounds 10 ounces. We are slowly phasing out her new born clothes and she is now sporting 3 month clothes (they are only slightly too big). A big thanks to aunt Megan and my mom for supplying all her new born clothes. We had none on hand when she was born, never anticipating such a small babe.  She is officially in size 1 diapers and getting bigger everyday. 

Our sweet pea has great days but she struggles more at night with her reflux and tummy issues. From the hours of 8pm - 12am she seems to be at her least comfortable; also know as colic. Once we finally get her down for the night she is waking up once or twice to feed. If we could just get her to bed earlier this would be amazing. Not every night is bad but on the nights that are my heart breaks for her and my emotions are high. It seems like my exhaustion hits me hard on those nights. I wish there is more I could do for her or take away her pain/discomfort all together. Everyone keeps telling us things will get drastically better at 3 or 4 months.... Till then we will continue to hold and enjoy all her cuddles.   

Mason and Ava:
Mason has adjusted better then I could have ever expected. He either ignores Ava completely (which isn't a bad thing in my opinion) or he is in her face loving on her. Mason loves Ava more then he knows or understands at his age. He is going to be her protector and she is going to be his follower. They are going to be great friends. 

Mason at 2 months.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Let it Snow!


After 5 straight weeks of one Murray or another being sick the house became officially germ free. This means we are free birds; so many errands to accomplish and getting Mason out of the house were at the top priorities.

Well, the weather or Linus (as many are calling it) hit. We were all snowed in and besides playing in the snow staying in was our only option. We hunkered down on Sunday and most of Monday. We finally convinced Mason to put on his boots (which he now loves) so we allowed him to go check it out the snow. Of course, he would be allowed out more often if we could just get him to wear gloves too.

the end result 

Up next, more cold temps and snow headed our way. Thanks to extended baths,  Lego duplos and dance parties to Uptown Funk we are keeping busy. However, Mason and I really want to hit up the mall this week....which we can do because a stroller for 2 is being delivered this week, yay (details of the epic stroller dilemma another day).  Hope you are staying warm and cozy! As much as I am longing for FL winter and a new baby are the perfect combo.  We will be ready for our usual warm weather antics with Ava in toe once the weather changes.