Friday, September 19, 2014

TGIF {Just Rockin' Out}

I look forward to the weekends; even as a stay at home mom!  It is nice to have Matt around and to do things as a family.  This morning Matt was at home with us and our new Nespresso Machine arrived (extra bonuses all around).  We don't have anything special planned for Matt's extra time off but hanging out together and maybe getting some "to dos" accomplished would make for a great weekend.

Mason made our morning with some rockin' out in the car this morning while doing some errands.  I hope this put a smile on your face like it did ours.  

TGIF to you and your loved ones!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Weekend Recap {Visit to Kansas}

View from our hotel on a gloomy day
After days of debating if I should get on a flight to Kansas after my little hospital visit; I packed my bags and decided to go!  Seeing my college friends, visiting Lawrence and celebrating Alpha Chi Omega Phi Chapter's Centennial Celebration was just something I couldn't pass up. I am so happy I was able to spend 48 hours with some of my best friends.  We are in different places then we were 10 years ago but we easily picked up right where we left off.  I love the friends I made during my college years at the Alpha Chi house; there really is something to say about the bond of sorority sisters. Thanks to everyone who took time away from their husbands and kiddos to spend time with me!  It was a pleasure meeting/seeing many of my friends' kids and homes; it was an added bonus to our trip.
The 90's Decade Reunion: Phi Chapter Pledge Class of '99

Friday Night: We decided to stay in Lawrence for the night!  Walking around Mass Street brought back so many memories.  We stayed at The Oread, a new fancy addition to the college campus.  Our pledge class reunion was located at the bar in our hotel which was nice but didn't stop us from checking out some of our favorite drinking hot spots.  We did a "mini" pub crawl which mainly included taking pictures outside said bars.  We did get some good looks as we walked in a decade older then everyone else and two pregnant ladies in tow.  Friday night was filled with so many laughs and lots of reminiscing.
Visiting a couple old hang outs!
Saturday Morning: We headed to the AX house for house tours and pictures!  It is hard to believe how much the house has changed yet stayed the same.  We all enjoyed the house tours and visiting our old rooms but saddened that the sleeping dorms no longer exist.

House Tours

Just in case our our girls become AX's:
although Mary doesn't know if it is a boy or girl.

Saturday Night: We all gathered at Rye for dinner! It is truly amazing how different our lives are but how close we still seem.  We caught up on all things babies/kids and really just enjoyed each other's company. It is hard to put into words how much these girls mean to mean. I am so so glad I decided to go to Kansas and spend the weekend catching up with old friends and remembering all the fun times we had in the past. We were young and crazy once upon a time. Now we are all grown up; moms, wives and much much more!
Dinner with everyone to end a great trip

Sunday, September 7, 2014

24 weeks {6 month bump}

I am just going to jump right in! This pregnancy hasn't been easy on me. With Mason I enjoyed my pregnancy to the fullest and felt good. The total opposite is true this time around. I often wonder if it's because I spend my days caring for a toddler (way different then sitting at my desk at work). Or is it because I am carrying so differently and having a girl. I know the only really logical answer is that every pregnancy is different and this time around is unlike my last.

Today marks the 6 month mark; my due date seems so far away. However, with birthday season, Thanksgiving and Christmas I know the time will fly. Today also marks a week out of the hospital. Last Friday, Matt and I were headed to Kohler Wisconsin for a wedding and 45 minutes into the trip I made him turn around and head to the doctor. Turning around was the right call because the pain only got worse and I ended up spending 48 hours in the hospital hooked up with an IV as a result of kidney stones (more painful then giving birth, just trust me on this).  Apparently, kidney stones with pregnancy is common and could continue on and off till I give birth.  Solution, tons and tons of water.  Fingers crossed this will keep hospital and kidney stone free till baby girl makes her appearance.  Even with a drama filled pregnancy it is important me for to state that we are so excited about having a new baby in the house and we feel so blessed and lucky to be having another child.

24 week stats:
- Size of an cantaloupe
- I feel baby kick but mainly when I put my feet up at the end of the day (the doctor says she is moving like crazy)
- I have an anterior placenta (placenta in front baby in back) which might be why her movements are more subtle
-Matt has had the pleasure of feeling the baby a few times
- up until our visit to the hospital I have been going to a Dailey Method Class 1-2 times a week
-Cravings, can't resist anything sweet
- we made our first nursery purchase   (Rugs USA has great sales, if you are in need of a rug)
- we think this will be our paint color of choice, a subtle pink if you will
- My 6th mouth Bump with Mase

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Nighty Night

Bed time has always held a special place in my heart as a mother! Bedtime looks different from our nursing and rocking days but there is still something so special about this time with my son. Lately, bedtime has become an even more precious time knowing months from now my hands might be full with an infant (Matt will then have the  honor of putting Mason too bed). My very favorite part is sitting in the rocking chair post books and just snuggling. Many times our snuggles turn into belly laughs and I find myself wanting to snuggle more instead of placing him in the crib. There is just something so peaceful about this time with Mason. These days I step outside the situation and feel so full; Mason on my lap, baby in my belly. Change is heading our way but for now I cherish bedtime with my first born.