Sunday, October 21, 2012

Bringing Home Baby

We left the hospital last Friday (10.12.12) with a LOT more stuff then we got there with; plus Mason of course.  We spent our first night at "home" with my parents because Mason was jaundice and we needed to head back to the hospital the following morning (along with Sunday as well).  We are happy to share that after two trips to the hospital Mason was cleared without further concern.  Mason's first week of life has been eventful; he went to his first pediatricians appointment, took our first sponge bath (with the help of Daddy & Aunt Mia), been to an ear/nose/throat specialist (the little guy is a bit tongue tied) and made lots of pit stops along the along the way!  We also had some visitors to the house during our first week so Mason got to meet a couple of our friends.  Oh, and Matt bought us a house; so the Murray's are moving to the burbs at the end of next month (truly never a dull moment).

I can honestly say we are adjusting to parenthood well; I know I have enjoyed my time with Mason and look forward to all that is to come (he is already growing up so fast)!

We've learned a lot this past week:

- be sure to put a diaper on tight and be sure to aim his privates down (can't tell you how many outfit changes we went through before figuring this out)
- Motherly instinct trumps most of the "dos and don't" we have received
- how to work the stroller
- it takes a good hour to leave the house
- every time we leave the house we come back with way more stuff then what we left with
- sleep when baby sleeps (if you can)
- ask for help when needed
-it takes buddy about an hour to eat & he eats every 2-3 hours (you do the math)

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