Saturday, March 14, 2015

Small Victories

We've had a rough week; no one says being a parent is easy, right?  However, even on the toughest of days small victories are made.  This week marks two...take that back three.

1) On Thursday March 12, 2015 Mason peed in his big boy potty!  We have had the potty for sometime now; and although Mason loves to sit on it he has never actually used it.  During bath time on Thursday night he was getting in and out of the bath expressing that he had to potty.  I quickly grabbed his toilet and let him stand over it.  This happened several times with nothing to show for it.  I then told him if he went in the potty he would get two M&Ms....this seemed to do it for him.  He stood over the potty and went.  Now, by no means is he potty trained but baby steps in the right direction.  He went again during bath time the following night so we are on to something here.  Yay Mason!

2) Ava and her sleeping.  I'm almost afraid to blog this but we had one night where she slept from 10pm to 6am and another night that she was asleep by 8pm with an 11:30pm and 6am feeding.  I will take it.  Again baby steps in the the right direction.
Sweet snuggles with my girl
3) And maybe the most important....the weather!  Some warmth and sunshine has hit our neck of the woods and it has brighten our moods greatly.  I have been able to take multiple walks this week and on some days more then one walk a day.  Mason is playing on the (enclosed) back deck and enjoying every second of being outside.  He already smells like a boy.
Our new norm 
Mason pushing Ava on our walk around the block

Cheers to the toughest job in the world and small victories!

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