Thursday, April 19, 2012

Baby Makes 3:

Goodness, where do we even begin!?!?! The last couple of years have been VERY exciting for Matt and I; and life is only going to get more exciting with a baby on the way!  About a month ago we shared with our family and friends that "Baby Makes 3" with our little one having a due date of October 3rd!  We're going to be a house of Libras with Matt's b-day on September 26th and mine on October 2nd. I however, have a feeling the baby is going to arrive right in between our birthdays giving us both an amazing Birthday present. 

This week I am officially 4 months and I am feeling pretty good!  I have gained a sudden burst of energy the last couple of days which has truly been amazing for me; even though  I'm not so sure Matt loves my sudden need to clean the house and urgency to accomplish tasks.  Overall, I've felt really good throughout the pregnancy besides my lack of energy. We did have a minor set back when the doctor diagnosed me with placenta previa.  Ever since, I have had to refrain from working out, vacuuming, lifting over 8 pounds and I have had to try my hardest not to use my abs (basically, I can walk).  Usually placenta previa goes away at 20 weeks; so we are keeping our fingers crossed that this is the case for me! 
I know many of you are dying to see baby bump pictures; don't worry we have been very good about taking a picture each month to share with you (and to use one day when I have time to put a photo album together).  Currently, I'm still in between my regular clothes and maternity attire and some days my belly is more prominent then others but it is clear baby Murray is growing!

2 month Bump....
3 month Bump...

4 month Bump!


  1. Oh my goodness, the baby announcement is so cute! And you look great, Jenn!

    Thanks for sharing your family journey and photos with us :)

  2. I LOVE your blog! You have the cutest bump EVER.
