Our sweet Ava girl has made so much progress in a month! She is cursing the furniture, walking with a walker, opening drawers/cabinets, throwing balls & food and yapping up a storm. Ava heads for the stairs whenever possible and can make it all the way to the top (never alone of course). She can say mom, dada, ba, hi and this. She loves to scream at the top of her lungs with her brother and giggles when you tell her no. She is happiest playing in the cup/bowl draw I set aside for Mason. Ava still loves to be held but when having a good time she is just as content playing or crawling around. The bond between Mason and Ava has grown this month. Mason tells Ava often how much he loves her and gives her kisses too. He wants to play with her and interact with her more as well. Ava loves his attention until he hovers on top of her or is pushed down in all his excitement. Seeing them together melts my heart.
We started Ava on whole milk a few days prior to her bday. It was like many of her other transitions; talked about and then all the sudden complete. Not relishing in the moment of "the last." Ava still fits best in 12 months clothes but I'm starting to buy 18 month sizes just to get more use out of them. She takes two naps a day more often then not. The first one is in the car and the second is on me. These options aren't ideal by any means but poor baby girl is tired. Matt and I had a few afternoons of rest when she did actually take an afternoon nap in her crib. It made me feel like a whole new person. For now I lean in and do my best to enjoy her weight on my chest, a few minutes of napping/quit to myself while checking emails.
food (any food)
bath time
playing in the basement
walking with walker
getting diaper changed in the a.m.
putting your coat on
reading books (wants to eat them)
Baby Girl - Thank you for being you! You are sweet and a bit feisty all wrapped into one strong little body. You are absolutely gorgeous and I can't believe you are all mine. I look forward to the adventures that await us; I have a feeling we are going to have some fun.
Love you so much!
We threw a birthday party for Ava on her birthday! Needless to say she had fun celebrating with all her family. It truly was a special day. |
Mason 12 months