As we approach the year mark (a huge milestone in my opinion) it amazes me where we were 11 months ago and where we are now. The transformation is a crazy one. The crying till 1 am, up every two hours, pure cloudy head (on my part) isn't a distant memory yet but something I hardly ever think about.

Ava still prefers to be held but she also loves to crawl around, pull herself up, climb on her brother and be outside (I find her giggling at the other kids playing at the park). She is a tough cookie; she wants what she wants when she wants it. She is happier when we sit next to her while she plays, if we don't she cries and screams at us. She is a good eater and we haven't found anything she doesn't like. She is a happy girl but often tired because she isn't the best at taking naps. Her morning nap is fairly short and usually taken on the go; the afternoon one is often taken in my arms (I'm ashamed to admit that but she has a stronger will power then I and will cry for an hour if she has to). I keep trying to tell myself that this too shall pass. We are phasing out her six month clothes and buying 12-18 months as our little peanut is getting a bit bigger.
- ceiling fans
- playing in Mason's room
- peek a boo
- crawling around with Mason
- her light up activity table
-bath time
- getting her diaper changed (especially first thing in the morning)
- be left alone to play
- having her hands or face wiped off
- getting dressed
- reading books she just wants to eat them
She's our party girl and nevers wants to miss out. Can't wait to celebrate her first birthday!
ReplyDeleteShe's our party girl and nevers wants to miss out. Can't wait to celebrate her first birthday!