Sporting his new under-roos |
January 30th marks the day we really hunkered down and officially started potty training Mason. We had halfheartedly tried before but weren't consistent....but this time we weren't going back this time. We faced potty training like we face most parenting tasks without books and when we are all ready. This has worked for us in the past and worked again this time. Mason had a few accidents within the first few days but other then that he has transitioned to under- roos well. We even send him to school in underwear. Nap time, bedtime and pooping time are the only times Mason wears a diaper these days and we are all happy about that.
January 22nd Ava started taking a couple of steps before falling right on her butt! It was the cutest thing EVER! Fast forward to today and she is now
walking more then crawling and has become a daredevil. She is still a little wobbly but has no fear and loves loves loves to climb. The other day I was straightening up and when I turned back around to check on the kiddos Ava as sitting on the couch next to Mason. She had used a Lego bucket to climb on up and sit next to Mason. Ava also loves going up and down the stairs and to scoot off our bed. She gets it; she turns around and goes feet first and gets excited about it every time.
Our climbing machine |
On top of Mason's garage |
Never a dull moment at the Murray household and we wouldn't have it any other way!
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