Last week I had some early labor signs (which I didn't have with Mason). Apparently, this is very normal for your second. The doctor said baby girl is head down and can come anytime between now and her due date. I have slowed up some more, with bending over becoming more difficult and a feeling a nausea present on and off throughout the day. Not to mention the shortness or breathe and insomnia that hits me every other night. That being said all the above are just making baby's arrival more real. I'm so excited about meeting our little girl but I am nervous too. I know it will be an adjustment for all three of us.

I already have in mind what I want post baby - Italian sub, lots of coffee (I want more then one cup a day) and some sushi. And oh man, if she comes before Christmas Eve I will be digging into to one of my favorite meals all fish and more fish.
With less then 30 days to go (you're pregnant for 10 months not 9, in case you didn't know) we are enjoying our little family of 3 and the calm before the storm.
Click Here to see my 9 month bump with Mason.
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