Ok, we dropped the ball and this is actually my bump at 17 weeks (the baby is the size if an onion). I am well into my second trimester and I thankful for that. The 1st trimester with this baby was rough. Morning sickness day and night and it was even so bad it would make me up in the middle of the night. Cracking eggs and cooking was off limits; it made the nausea worse (or sent me straight to the bathroom). Even my beloved coffee was something I couldn't stomach. So, it was bad. It was amazing when the fog of the first trimester lifted and baby brain kicked in. I was suddenly feeling myself again but making 2 trips to the grocery store because I forgot something. Hey, no problem it's better then feeling sick. And please forgive me in advice for my forgetfulness. My ability to get comfortable while sleeping also started early on this pregnancy. With Mason I bought a cheap body pillow at Target for $10. By 7 1/2 months I truly regretted this decision and wished I had splurged on a pregnancy pillow. Last week my
pregnancy pillow arrived and for now I feel like it was worth every penny. I can tell there is a lot less tossing and turning and I haven't kicked Matt out of the bed once! If you're in the market for one and have been debating it....just go for it. The discomfort only gets worse as you get bigger.
We have shared with Mason that he is going to be a big brother! He talks about the baby in mommy's belly every once and awhile and sometimes kisses my belly before bed (heartwarming). I know this baby is going to rock his world but have a feeling he is going to be a great big brother!
My 4 month bump with Mason.
Ohhhh! Such a cute lil prego girl! I'm glad you're past the nausea/sickness...that's one of my biggest fears!