Mason has always been a talker and these days he is talking more then ever. It is clear he isn't shy because when we are out he is sure to say hi to any passer by (sadly the person usually doesn't respond and Mason just says hi again). Although, we are use to the chattering he does, which mostly includes bossing us around there are times he even surprises us.
Matt and I were making breakfast and Mason said "want to go bye bye." In response we asked him where he wanted to go. His response "Starbucks."
At Starbucks waiting for my coffee a tween age girl walks in. Mason says, "hi girl."
At initially ewe visiting my mom, we walk into a shop filled with knitters. Mason says, "hi ladies."
I was laying on the floor and Mason says, "rock rock," while rocking my belly back and forth.
Last but not least...because it is my personal favorite. "Bye peeps." Now where the heck did he pick up the word peeps?!?!?
Mason has always liked music. It seemed to calm him when he was fussy as a baby and get him excited as a toddler. Lately he is picking up songs from the radio and singing a few lyrics. We then have to listen to the song over and over again. Currently on his top three list:
Girls Chase Boys Ingrid Michaelson
On Top of the World Imagine Dragons
E.I. Nelly