Summer time isn't always easy! With countless hours outside (I repeat countless) it is hard to prevent Mason from getting hurt. He might even give me a heart attack with the spills he takes while running head up at super human speeds. Keep up with him you might say; well it doesn't work, he then thinks we are chasing him. Which results in faster running and less paying attention on his end. Our gated back porch has been great but he usually wants to roam the backyard in like .2. Solution: a water table! Our water table strategically placed in the shade on our back deck equals hours (or what seems to be hours) of fun! And more importantly gives us a chance to either sit down or get a meal going. Yay for the water table and making our summer livin' easy (aka easier).
This is the
water table we have but honestly I don't think it matters a whole lot which one we would have gotten. Add some ice cubes (a new fave) to the mix and we have one happy boy!
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