My cousin, bridesmaid and friend, Michele along with her husband welcomed baby Luca into the world about a week ago. Baby Luca is handsome and healthy and the new mom is doing great! It is so exciting to welcome another baby into the family. I'm excited for Mason to have a cousin to play with at family events and during the holidays. I'm excited to watch their relationship grow into a friendship like Michele and mine has and I'm excited to be an Aunt for the first time (yay).
Visiting Michele, Jonathan & baby Luca in the hospital brought back a ton of memories of our experience with Mason. Wow, we are so far removed from those first days of bringing him home. No one could of prepared us for those first few days (ok maybe weeks). It is amazing how your motherly instinct kicks in and your pre baby life suddenly seems like a lifetime ago. The love you have the moment you set eyes our your child is indescribable. That love I have for Mason has only grown with him and it is hard to imagine loving anyone more.
My advice to my cousin or any new mom is (not that I'm an expert by any means):
- sleep when the baby sleeps (you don't know tired until you have a baby)
- embrace and enjoy this time; things change so quicky and get easier but snuggle that baby now (the laundry will always be there)
- lean on other moms. You will find that that's where you will find your biggest support on your worst days. Plus, they always seem to know something you don't.
Being a mom has been a true blessing for me and I have a feeling the bond of motherhood will only bring my cousin and I closer. I couldn't be happier for her and their family of 3!