Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Not Always Sunshine & Roses

I love being a mom, and being a stay at home mom is my dream job. I love my child and find it so rewarding to watch him grow day in and day out. I could go on for hours about how amazing parenthood is but today I won't. It isn't always sunshine and roses. I have a toddler that is sweet, kind and wonderful but also stubborn, a little defiant and frustrating. He can't communicate with me as to exactly what is wrong. So, as we all start to recover from the plague (aka the flu) and Mason still continues to whine/cry, get irritated easily and want to be held, my days seem to have doubled in length. I'm assuming his stomach still hurts and the excess drool means some teeth are coming but honestly who knows (your guess is as good as mine).  With my back going out yesterday afternoon my panic set in. My solution to my pain and never ending day: a chiropractic appointment scheduled for the following day and some retail therapy with my mom (an extra bonus when you find a lululemon sale item you just have to have).

Rough days make me realize a some things: 
1. Wow we are lucky we don't have a child that usually cries all day. Blessed might be a better word 
2. I need a mommy break and a second to breathe 
3. Patience isn't my strong suit when the going gets tough 
4. I love love love being a mommy but it isn't always sunshine and roses
5. Later this week when we have a stellar day playing outside and giggling this day will be one of the past

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