Mason's Adventures: Poor little guy got his tongue clipped two weeks ago; honestly I think it was harder for me to watch then for him to get done (a big thanks to my mom for coming with me). All the different opinions from the "experts" make it difficult to pull the trigger and do anything these day. I'm sorry to say that all the conflicting opinions made me wait two weeks before having the procedure done. He is fully healed now and more importantly he can move his tongue around (and we won't have to stress out about any future speech issues). Mason has made several trips from the city to the burbs to hang out with my parents; luckily he loves the car and falls asleep within minutes. He even got a sneak peak of our new house in Western Springs. He has met several family members and friends and has received a plethora of gifts; everyone has been beyond generous. A huge THANKS to everyone that has brought over food or a special gift for Mason. He is going to be the best dressed baby on the block....

Murray Family Mayhem is right! Since I went into labor things have been crazy and so many changes have come our way. We are very excited about our move to the burbs but getting the new house ready and unpacking with a new born is going to take some time. Matt also accepted a new job and will be starting the Monday after we move (December 3rd). Good news is that the house is like a 5 minute drive from his new office but... since the he won't be taking the train to work any longer we are in the market for a new car. All these changes are good things and with the help/support of family and friends I'm sure all the new transitions will be a breeze! Now, if I can get used to keeping our current house clean and remember to take time to brush my teeth in the morning I will be in good shape...
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