It has been a month since I last logged on; all is well over here we've been soaking up every minute summer has to offer. Trips to the pool, filling up the pool for the kiddos in the backyard, walks walks and more walks, time with friends and family. Enjoying the good kind of busy that comes along with summer. It seems like we pack as much into our weekends as possible leaving all 4 of us extra tired Monday mornings but knowing that fall will be here before we know it keeps us on the go.
Summer Lovin:

Not only have we been busy but so has Ava. She is learned to sit up this month and she seems to have really found her voice. Ava let's us know when she isn't happy (believe it or not she has a little temper) and she smiles and or screams when she is happy. Ava attempts to clap her hands which is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen. Her bottom 2 teeth have popped up; it was clear she was in pain during the process. I have a feeling she is working on some more teeth because the drool; can't stop won't stop. We are officially packing away Ava's 3 month clothes and starting to buy 9 month sizes for our little peanut. We weighted her at home last weekend and she is 16 pounds and in size 2 diapers. She seems to be eating more these days and is also a bit more active during the day. She loves jumping in her jump-a-roo, rolling around on the floor, stroller rides and anything to do with her brother. Ava is a little snuggle bug and loves to be held and cuddled. I know that won't be the case one day so I try to remind myself that on the days she has been on me every second. Ava wakes up between 5:30am and 6:30am; and anytime before 6am I really struggle. Matt is much better at pulling it together for her 5:30 wake up calls (thanks babe).
first time with yogurt |
- Bubble Guppies TV show
- being held
- being tickled
- when you dance and clap for her
- jumping in her jump a roo
- being part of the action
- sold foods
- getting dressed
- long naps alone
Mason 8 months