J & M 3rd Anniversary Video
To my husband on our 3rd anniversary- I look back on our wedding day fondly. It was by far one of the best days of my life. I'm pretty sure I never stopped smiling that day even when it rained (more like poured). While I reflect on the last three years one word comes to mind: busy! We have since had a baby, moved to the burbs, you started a new job, started school, sold my condo, put yours on the market and are now expecting a precious baby girl. Wow!!! Maybe busy is an understatement. I am not sure we could have packed much more in. Regardless of what is going on and what life decision we are making at the time my favorite part of it all is I have the best partner to share these adventures with. We make such a great team and I'm always impressed on how well we handle what comes our way. I love you and can't wait to see what the next year has in store for us.