As Mason's first birthday creeps up on us it makes we question where the time has gone!?!?!? There really hasn't been a dull moment since his arrival (ok to be completely honest, Matt & I haven't had a dull moment since our engagement which was in November of 2010). Mason is all consuming & we wouldn't have it any other way. With each month comes new milestones reached, with each week he grows bigger and his looks change and with each day his personality evolves. I am both in aw of him and so very humbled by him all the time.
Mason is very active these days; crawling all around and pulling himself up. He loves getting into things he is not supposed to and has no fear. He loves to play with his toys and read books (he loves books). He naps twice a day once around 9:30 (this is when I try and get my stuff done) and again around 2pm (I relax if I can during this nap). He gets up around 6am and we are on the go from that point on (unless he is napping). I have found early morning walks to get coffee and watch trains are the best way to start both of our days. I am fearing winter since Mason prefers to be outside. Mason loves making animal noises; he is especially good at barking like a dog and growling like a bear. He has added more words to his vocabulary this month which makes it so fun to "talk" with him.
Taking pictures each month continues to get more difficult! He loves those damn stickers....
Mason's Likes:
- knocking down blocks
- turkey & meatballs
- his push car
- dogs
- pacifier (loving it more then ever)
- potatoes (especially twice baked or mashed)
- when we take things away from him (lots of crying)
- his once favored bouncy chair
-Monkey Business